Product Details for Material from Rs - SLA4100 - RS 100A Solid Link for A4 Fuses

SLA4100 Rs RS 100A Solid Link for A4 Fuses

Part Nnumber
RS 100A Solid Link for A4 Fuses
Basic price
8,11 EUR

The product with part number SLA4100 (RS 100A Solid Link for A4 Fuses) is from company Rs and distributed with basic unit price 8,11 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Current Rating100A Diameter34.9mm Fixing Centres93.7mm Fuse TypeA4 Length111mm Width19.1mm Product Details Solid Links For converting fuse switches to circuit isolators, neutral links and shorting links RS, Professionally Approved Products, gives you professional quality parts across all product categories. Our range has been testified by engineers as giving comparable quality to that of the leading brands without paying a premium price. British Standard Fuses Warning Where a fuseholder is designed for fitting with a solid link. it should be suitably labelled or colour coded.

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