Product Details for Material from Rs - 351-3111 - RS PUR 5m Long transparent Flexible Ducting Reinforced, 150mm Bend Radius , Applications Various

351-3111 Rs RS PUR 5m Long transparent Flexible Ducting Reinforced, 150mm Bend Radius , Applications Various

Part Nnumber
RS PUR 5m Long transparent Flexible Ducting Reinforced, 150mm Bend Radius , Applications Various
Basic price
127,78 EUR

The product with part number 351-3111 (RS PUR 5m Long transparent Flexible Ducting Reinforced, 150mm Bend Radius , Applications Various) is from company Rs and distributed with basic unit price 127,78 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Bend Radius150mm ColourTransparent Inner Diameter150mm Length5m MaterialPUR ReinforcedYes Suitable ApplicationsAgriculture, Foundry, Industrial Product Details Flexible Ducting (Zinc plated helix) Zinc plated spring-steel spiral helix between two layers of crystal clear polyurethane Highly flexible with excellent internal and external abrasion resistance May also be used in foundry, general industrial and agricultural applicationsTemperature range -40 to +90°C RS, Professionally Approved Products, gives you professional quality parts across all product categories. Our range has been testified by engineers as giving comparable quality to that of the leading brands without paying a premium price. Note All data refers to performance at 18°C. Any changes in temperature will affect the performance data Polyurethane Ducting - Lightweight

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